Do you know how you feel after you've set a goal, worked endlessly to see it accomplished, excitedly experienced the final product.....then the adrenaline subsides and "the blahs" arrive full force? :) To some extent, that's how I was feeling after the first box of donations was mailed off to the hospital NICU over a week ago. I was wondering if I had the energy (emotional and physical) to keep it up, to do it all over again.
Then, pair this feeling with the fact that I was just having a few hard days when I grieved the loss of Morgan and Meghan more than normal. Don't get me wrong....a day doesn't go by when I don't think of them and miss their presence in our lives.....but some days are easier to handle....and some days aren't!!!
As that first box of donated preemie items was being prepared to ship off, an unexpected box arrived on my door step. As I slowly peeled back all the packing papers, a beautiful Silver Willow figurine of a praying angel on her knees emerged....and to make it extra special, there was also a base to set the angel on that had been personalized with the names of my grand-babies...Morgan and Meghan.
Isn't it funny how God knows exactly when we need a little boost, that extra "something" that lets us know that we haven't been forgotten, that others understand our pain and loss? I have placed this angel where I see it constantly as I continue to work on preemie items for the next donation. It is a reminder of my promise to my grandchildren and it gives me strength to continue this ministry created in their honor and memory.
I hope these next few words will come out right....
It's not always easy to make the items needed for
Grandma's Promise.
Let me try to explain myself. It's "easy on the heart" of crafters to make hats and booties for premature babies that need them on a daily basis to help keep their core body temperatures warm while they grow and thrive. These types of items are needed and used, and our hearts can smile as we use our talents to create the tiny items.....knowing that what we've made is helping that baby grow healthy enough to leave the hospital and go home with their families.
On the other hand, it can be "hard on the hearts" of each crafter who creates the items to be used in an
Angel Ensemble. It takes a special heart to be willing to create these sets, to make them as beautiful as possible, knowing that the family of the infant who will receive our gifts will be crying tears of sorrow rather than tears of joy.
I'm just so thankful to all the crafters who have already contributed and will continue to do so as their schedules allow. I'm also very humbled to see new crafters step forward and volunteer to help this ministry grow.
Just a few days ago, a box arrived from a group of crafters in Texas. Imagine my surprise when the box literally burst open when I removed the packing tape! I couldn't believe my eyes....all of the items that they had been able to stuff into this one box! Just look.....
24 pair of booties, 12 hats, 12 bonnets, 1 crocheted gown, 5 afghans, 9 butterflies
AMAZING!!!!!!!!! |
My energy has been renewed and I'm anxious to sew gowns to pair with these afghans, hats and booties for more
Angel Ensembles. I continue to be humbled by the generosity of others. The past few days have also brought support from those wishing to fund supplies for those who can continue to do the actual crafting.
If you would like to help, don't be shy! :) You don't have to know how to do and make EVERYTHING in order to be a part of this ministry. For example, if you want to make bonnets only (or booties, or afghan, etc.)....please make them and we will pair them with items that others have made to complete a set.
The happenings of the last few days has only confirmed that
Grandma's Promise was meant to be and that it is meant to continue. This could not be possible without the support and hard work of all the crafters who have "jumped in the boat" with me and the overall generosity of others.
Forever humbled,
Theresa (Grandma)