I never cease to be amazed at the generosity of others. There are now family, friends and complete strangers offering to crochet and/or knit hats, booties and afghans, sew quilts and gowns. There have also been monetary donations to purchase supplies to create these items. God is good, and I am humbled!
Crocheted by Candy |
Within the last couple of days, two ladies have e-mailed photos to show what they have started creating. I'm so excited! They are doing such an awesome job.
Crocheted by Marianne |
I know there are others who have started crafting or will be soon and I can't wait to share your creations with everyone. Please send photos so I can brag on you! :)
Because of the interest in donating funds by those who do not consider themselves crafty people, I have been keeping track of the expense involved to do certain items (and will continue to do so for future updates). Keep in mind that I am one of those people who never pay full price for anything....sale items only....to say that I'm a frugal person is an understatement! :)
Below are a few examples of how far the money can go:
$ 20.00 = 48 preemie hats in 3 different sizes
Depending on sizes, preemie hats on average can be completed for 35 - 55 cents each.
$ 7.00 - $ 8.00 = Complete Angel Ensemble
(Gown, hat/bonnet, booties and afghan/quilt)
For larger sizes, the cost may be slightly more.
For those who donate funds, I will supply photos of exactly what items were created with your gift.
Before closing, I'd like to share a new pattern I found for making a preemie bonnet. I used this pattern as part of the pink Angel Ensemble pictured above.
This free pattern is for the Micro-preemie size only (1 - 2 lb.)...I'll use a different pattern for larger preemie sizes.
It's time now to get back to sewing, laundry and housework! I'm working on new projects and can't wait to finish them and post pictures in a few days.
Until next time...have a Blessed Day!
Grandma (Theresa)
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