Monday, April 23, 2012

Our Own Preemie Twins 20 Years Ago

I think it's appropriate to use this forum today to celebrate the life of another set of preemie twins born 20 years ago today! Happy 20th Birthday to our own Amanda and Emily, born at 33 weeks gestation on April 23, 1992,  3 minutes apart, each weighing a little over 3 lbs. 
Amanda Sue
Emily Ruth
Amanda and Emily were born at the same hospital as my grandchildren Morgan and Meghan - Johnson City Medical Center in Johnson City, Tennessee.  As you can imagine, the NICU at this hospital is very dear to me for many reasons. 
Me holding Amanda

Me holding Emily

Do you see the stylish pink baby bottle earrings I was wearing! :)

Adoption is a beautiful word in our home, as it has been the way our family has been built.  My husband was career Air Force and was stationed in Myrtle Beach, SC at the time of Amanda and Emily's birth.  Due to their birth mother requiring complete bed rest, (and an earlier scare that they were coming early), I was thankfully in Tennessee staying with my parents when the twins were delivered by emergency c-section.   Ray, along with our oldest daughter Shannon, was in Myrtle Beach and had to make the 7 hour drive after receiving my call letting him know he was a new daddy of twin girls.
Amanda with Daddy

Emily with Daddy
Just another day in the NICU!

Here they are when they were 3 days old.  Amanda weighed 3 lbs. 2.5 oz. and Emily weighed
3 lbs. 11.2 ounces.

We called Amanda our little unicorn for a while when the only place that her I.V. could be placed was on her little forehead.

Sweet Emily had difficulty nursing for a while and had to be tube fed.

Once the doctors and nurses realized that we were NEVER (literally) leaving the hospital while the girls were there, and after the girls proved that even though they had a few issues to deal with that they would continue to grow and thrive each day, they were able to leave the NICU after only one week and were given a room to share where I could stay 24/7 and care for them.

The pediatric floor hallways were painted to look like a little town...with the outside of each room painted to represent businesses, buildings, etc., commonly found in a small community.  Imagine our surprise to find that their room (#4519) was the "church"....very fitting for our family since their grandfather was (and still is) a pastor! :)

We were prepared for a longer stay, but were thrilled to learn that the girls were being discharged when they were 20 days old.
Dressed in new clothes and waiting to be discharged.

They only weighed 4 1/2 pounds each and my mom purchased the smallest two dresses she could find.  She also went to a specialty doll shop and bought doll shoes for them to wear home.  (The doll shoes still were huge and almost fell off their feet!) :)

The girls were sent home with heart monitors, which they continued to need until they were one year old.  Ray insisted on carrying both his girls, with both heart monitors on his shoulders, out of the hospital all by himself!! :)
Ready to roll!

Finally out of the hospital, safe and sound!
This photo was taken last year on the girl's 19th birthday.  Of course we'll take new pictures this evening when everyone is home to celebrate their BIG 20!
Emily and Amanda - 2011 - 19th Birthday
I must admit that I took a break from sewing and crocheting preemie items for donation this past weekend in order to finish up afghans for Emily and Amanda.  I just finished Emily's this morning!!!

Amanda's requested
Emily's requested

It's going to be a busy day celebrating, but tomorrow I'll get back on track making items for Grandma's Promise.  I can't wait to share new photos and information with you in a few days!



  1. We love these girls!!! Miss you Mana and Emmarooooo!!! (The boys say HELLO!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

    1. Thanks Lisa...I'll pass on the message to Mana and Emmarooooo! :) :) :)
