Saturday, April 20, 2013

Donation Delivered to Tennessee Hospital

Everyone involved in Grandma's Promise has been working extra hard the past couple of months or so preparing for upcoming donations.

One donation was personally delivered yesterday to a hospital in Tennessee.  Here is a small taste of what of was included in that delivery....

These Angel ensembles are a mixture of handcrafted items from numerous crafters.  We are tirelessly continuing to prepare for two more upcoming larger to another hospital in Tennessee and one donation to a hospital in New York.

I'm still amazed at how ensembles come together....the amount of crafters involved...some are complete ensembles from Candy, some ensembles have blankets from the Texas Crafters, hats, booties & butterflies from Marianne teamed up with gowns from Lillian.  The combinations of contributors is varied and numerous!

Thank you again for all your hard work!  The need, sadly, never ends....
Theresa (aka Grandma)

1 comment:

  1. hello my name is madelynn i am 14 years old and love to crochet burial gowns. Is there any way i can send some to you ??
