Tuesday, March 5, 2013

First Birthday

One year ago today, at 7:13pm I witnessed the miraculous birth of my grandson, Morgan Reed and only one short minute later, at 7:14pm I witnessed the next miraculous birth of my granddaughter, Meghan Christine.  One year ago my heart was filled with love and a life time of dreams to come, and at the same time I was filled with fear.  They were forced to meet us too early.  The doctors gave us hope of their survival, and we prayed.  They both tried so hard, and they fought a good fight for two days, but they just couldn't hang on.

Not a day goes by that Morgan and Meghan don't cross my mind at least once.  Some days I cry a little, some days I cry a lot, some days I attempt to smile and I'm able to stop the tear drop from rolling down my cheek as it just pools in my eye until it evaporates.  It's been a hard year....will it get any easier?  I honestly don't know, I'm new on this journey and I'm having to take one day at a time.

Some days I wonder at how two little lives, only on this earth for two days could leave such an impact on so many people.  Love is limitless!

Morgan and Meghan, I love you and wish with all my heart that you were still with us!  I wish we could have celebrated your first birthday together.  I wish so many things that can't come true.


I hope you both know how much your Grandma loves you!

Grandma's Promise was created in Morgan's and Meghan's honor and memory.  We currently support five hospitals with our donations of hand-crafted Angel Ensembles.  We have accomplished more in this past year than I imagined in the beginning, and we still have lots of work to do.  To all the wonderful people who have supported Grandma's Promise with your time, talent, funds and prayers, THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. It is an honor to work with this mission in memory of these two precious little ones by helping other families facing the same loss. Each item is made with love in hopes of easing the sorrow, if even by just a tiny bit by letting the families know there are people out there who understand and care. To Theresa and all who have experienced this unthinkable loss, our hearts are broken for you and prayers continue to surround you.
